Paranormal Photography Week

If you’re a fan of paranormal television shows, you may be familiar with The Paranormal Research Society (PRS), whose members are featured on A&E’s Paranormal State. While new episodes of Paranormal State are no longer being produced, PRS is still actively seeking to research the paranormal and spread information.

We’re currently in the midst of a week that PRS has coordinated as a celebration of documenting the unexplained: Paranormal Photography Week. From April 13-19th, PRS will be hosting live chats, posting evidence, and conducting live video expeditions and webinars. Sounds fun, right? For full details of how to participate in PRS’s online celebration, visit their website.

Evidence is integral to our studies of the paranormal. While many anomalies like orbs and mists can be explained and debunked as natural phenomena like dust, fog, and even cold breath in nighttime photos, photographic evidence is crucial to documenting paranormal activity.

In honor of this week, here is kind of a throwback photo from one of my first amateur investigations at Wilson’s Cemetery outside of Lebanon, Missouri. While not prime examples of evidence, they are examples of how easy it can be for some to perceive natural phenomena (like dust particles) as orbs or other “paranormal” evidence.


Feel free to post photos you’ve taken during investigations in the comments below. Can’t wait to see what you’ve captured! As always, if you have a photo that you’re not sure is paranormal and you’d like an opinion from The Helpful Haunt, you can email it to