
Road Trip Readiness

Last month, I was lucky enough to join a wonderful paranormal research group based here in Springfield, MO. I’ve now been part of two investigations with this team, and boy, does it feel great to work with such a diverse, professional, and research-focused group of people. Each team member brings a unique skill set and unique background, but our interest in the paranormal and helping those experiencing activity is the basis of our bond.

As both investigations so far have entailed road trips, I’ve learned quickly that there are necessities beyond equipment (though that’s quite important as well!) that can make a long night of investigation more comfortable.

  • Snackage!! – Go for easy-to-transport, low-mess options if at all possible. I personally love cheese and cracker packets, chips (the multi-variety packs are great), mixed nuts or trail mix, and I’m especially loving bringing along some Sour Patch Kids or Cherry Sours. Single-serving packets are good for quick refueling. Side note: Always be respectful to the location and its caretakers by removing all of your trash once you wrap up the investigation. Even if it’s no longer occupied and other people have left their trash behind, it’s not an excuse to leave more litter. It’s common sense, but worth noting.
  • Hydration – Always, always bring plenty of water. Gatorade or other electrolyte-filled drinks can also offer a pick-me-up, especially if the location is multi-storied or just has a lot of ground to cover. You can ice down a cooler for the trip and have team members store their drinks for easy access during the investigation.
  • Caffeine (if you’re into that sort of thing) – I, for one, can’t go anywhere (slight exaggeration) without some Diet Dr. Pepper. The 8 oz. mini-cans and 12 oz. mini- bottles are my go-to, and take up less room in the cooler. For the next hunt, I’m thinking a couple of bottled iced coffee drinks may be a good addition as well.
  • Layers – Even if it’s scorching hot, it could cool down in the late night/wee morning hours. I like to bring along a lightweight fleece jacket just in case, or a long sleeve t-shirt at minimum. When it cools down, a bulkier coat will be great for outdoor investigations. In general, I prefer to wear jeans for investigations no matter the weather, especially because I can be klutzy anyway, and walking around in dark and sometimes dilapidated places at night could be dangerous.
  • A second set of footwear – If you’ll be in an indoor location, this may not be necessary. I usually start an investigation wearing tennis shoes, but bring a pair of sturdy boots (and extra socks!) just in case. This is especially helpful if the location has multiple buildings you will be traveling between or if the weather is a tad on the wet/muddy side.
  • Bug repellant spray – Whether the location is outdoors or a structure that’s been sitting empty for a while, you will likely encounter insects of varying levels of creepiness. Spritz on some Off! or something similar to keep mosquitoes, etc. from making you into a buffet.
  • Camp potty, t.p., handi wipes – Not every location is going to have working plumbing, which makes those that do all the more wonderful. Portable camp potties can be set up near base camp (preferably in a separate room if possible!) or in a secluded area if you’re in an outdoor location. Remember to put a roll of t.p. nearby, as well as some handi wipes or hand sanitizer.

While you’re packing, it may feel like you’re bringing too much, but in my experience, it’s the small details that make the experience of investigation more enjoyable all around. Your group can coordinate on many of these items so you aren’t bringing along unnecessary multiples.

Any other items you have to bring on your investigations? Let me know in the comments, tweet me, or give me a shout on Facebook!

Ready to Investigate?

If you are experiencing activity in your home, it’s always a good idea to get in contact with a professional and trustworthy investigation group for assistance (see the links on the right for a good place to start!). However, this video gives some excellent tips for those who want to investigate on their own.

My First Investigation: A Night at Weaver House

In early June, 2010, I got up at 5:30 for a ten-hour workday, I headed over to Ozark, MO, for my first ghost hunt with Southwest Ghost Finders. The team and a couple of guests (myself included) met up for some Chinese food and to get acquainted with one another before heading just down the road to the historic Weaver House. Located near Jackson St. and N. 3rd St., the house was built in the mid-1800s and has definitely seen its share of Ozarks history. When the Baldknobbers (a group of vigilantes in the Ozarks around the 1880s, not the Branson performers) were creating some havoc in the area, they even held a meeting in one of the upstairs rooms of the house, and burnt their insignia into the floor. The original floor and insignia are still intact in the house, and I must say that the Baldknobber ‘logo’ looks kind of like a horse’s head turned sideways. The house was also at one time a stagecoach stop. It is said that a young girl who had been on the stagecoach developed a terrible disease and died in the other bedroom upstairs.

Preparing to Investigate

The seven of us there for the investigation were SWGF founder, Kim; longtime members Oscar and Sandy; relative newcomers Scott and Paula; and newbies Jerri and me. We set up stationary cameras in both of the upstairs bedrooms, in the living area/spiral staircase, and in the basement. We each carried digital voice recorders and some of us used infrared and regular digital cameras. We also set up a motion-sensitive infrared camera in the sunroom (which is a relatively modern addition to the house), although it really only captured us investigators as we headed toward the bathroom during the night.

Time to Investigate

We split up for the first part of the investigation, with Oscar, Sandy, and Paula in the living areas of the main floor, and Kim, Scott, Jerri, and me in the basement. While down there in the pitch dark, those of us in the basement kept seeing a small flash of light in one corner, even when there were no vehicles going by. We did an extensive EVP session, and Kim asked any spirits to play “Marco Polo” with us. During this, the gang upstairs heard a disembodied male voice say “Marco.”

Throughout the night, we heard several knocks, bangs, and whispers which didn’t come from any of us. When Jerri and I sat upstairs in the Baldknobber room, we both noticed a tension in the room, and had the feeling of a watchful presence in the closet. When we ended our EVP session in that room, we headed to the other upstairs bedroom, the one where a girl from the stagecoach died years ago. The feeling in that room was much more tranquil.

Kim performed a session with dowsing rods while Jerri and I were upstairs, and she seemed to get some responses from a male spirit. After a while, we all gathered in the living area near the spiral staircase, and many of us noted unexplained knocks, as well as catching glimpses of small traces of light or shadows on the staircase. As for EMF, the house really had no baseline, as certain areas of the house seemed to be at a constant spike, and not always near electric lines. On the staircase near the end of our investigation, we caught a free-floating spike on the staircase near where a team member had seen a shadow earlier, as well as a spike in the middle of the Baldknobber room.

Around 4 a.m., we called it a night and cleaned up the equipment, then we each made our way home.