
A Tavern Tale

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Photo via Talbott Tavern and Jennifer Singleton

Since 1779, Talbott Tavern (also known as The Old Talbott Tavern) has been serving up food, drink, and lodging to travelers making their way through Bardstown, Ky. With the distinction of being the oldest bourbon bar in the world, as well as continuously operating at the same location and in the same stone building, the tavern has a colorful past that has seen many historical figures pass through its doors. It was at one time owned by Jim Beam’s brother, T.R., and Abraham Lincoln and his family once stayed there. Murals pained on walls upstairs to this day have bullet holes from where Jesse James shot them.

The tales of ghostly paranormal activity in the tavern are likely as old as the building itself. Patrons are said to have seen apparitions of Jesse James walking the halls and a lady in white standing beside beds or looking out windows. Others have noted items being misplaced and found later in odd locations, sounds of unexplained music, moving dining tables, and more.

If you find yourself in Kentucky, perhaps a stay in Bardstown would be just the place to go for a glimpse of history, some good bourbon, and maybe even some paranormal phenomena.